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100% Recycled Print Pricing

Benefits of Printing your Artwork Designs on Greeting Cards on Recycled Card Stock and Selling them.

As an artist, you may be looking for new and innovative ways to share your work with the world. One creative option that you may not have considered yet is printing your artwork onto greeting cards and postcards. Not only is this a great way to showcase your art, but it can also provide a source of income and contribute to sustainability efforts by using recycled card stock.


Here are some reasons why you should consider printing your artwork onto greeting cards and postcards:


A new audience

By creating greeting cards and postcards with your artwork, you are opening up your work to a new audience. People who may not be interested in buying a full-sized print or original artwork may still be drawn to a smaller, more affordable option like a card or postcard. Plus, these items are often purchased as gifts, which means your work could be introduced to even more people.


Additional income

Selling greeting cards and postcards can be a great source of additional income for artists. They are relatively inexpensive to produce and can be sold at a markup, meaning that you can make a profit while also providing affordable options for your fans and followers.


Sustainable options

Choosing to print your artwork onto recycled card stock is a sustainable choice that can help reduce waste and support the environment. By using recycled materials, you are helping to minimize the impact of your art on the planet while also promoting eco-friendly practices to your customers.


When it comes to printing your artwork onto greeting cards and postcards, there are a few things to keep in mind. First, make sure that your artwork is high-resolution and looks great in a smaller format. You may need to adjust the composition or cropping of your images to fit the card or postcard size.


Additionally, be sure to choose a high-quality printer and paper stock. Recycled card stock can have a slightly different texture than virgin stock, so it's important to test out different options to find the one that works best for your art.


In conclusion, printing your artwork onto greeting cards and postcards can be a smart business move that can also contribute to sustainability efforts. By making your art more accessible and affordable, you can reach a wider audience while also generating additional income. So, why not give it a try and see where it takes you?

Custom Greeting Card Printing

 The benefits for you and the environment.